Marriage for Charles Guthrie Lindsay

CollectionCivil Registers of Whitburn
Record typeMarriage
NameCharles Guthrie Lindsay
Marriage5 Jun 1931
PlaceBrucefield Manse, Whitburn
Age29 Years
ResidenceBathgate Road, Blackburn
OccupationCoal Miner
NoteWitness :James Harper (8 Albat Buildings, Blackburn),
Father's nameCharles Lindsay (Deceased)
Father's occupationCoal Miner
Mother's nameJanet Guthrie
Spouse's nameAnnie Livingstone Brown
Spouse's occupationDomestic Servant
Spouse's age22 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residence15 Lea Street, Whitburn
Spouse's fatherWilliam Brown Coal Miner
Spouse's father's occupationCoal Miner
Spouse's motherJanet McCallum
Marriage churchChurch of Scotland
Marriage witnesses Mary Brown (Lea St., Whitburn)
NoteWitness :James Harper (8 Albat Buildings, Blackburn),