Death for Archibald Simpson

CollectionCivil Registers of Avondale
Record typeDeath
NameArchibald Simpson
Death25 Aug 1895
PlaceTodshill Street, Strathaven
Age67 Years
NoteAddress of neice hard to read ....looks like 10 Calebooks St. Cambuslang
Father's nameJohn Simpson (Deceased)
Father's occupationCarter
Mother's nameJean Riddell (Deceased)
Spouse's nameMargaret Archibald
Spouse's genderF
Death causeCancer of cheek, 8 Months
Death informantJanet Hart (Niece) Cambuslang
Death registrationAugust 26, 1895 at Strathaven
NoteAddress of neice hard to read ....looks like 10 Calebooks St. Cambuslang