Marriage for Duncan Livingstone

CollectionCivil Registers of Bonhill
Record typeMarriage
NameDuncan Livingstone
Marriage22 Nov 1867
PlaceAlexandria, Parish of Bonhill, Dumbarton
Age23 Years
ResidenceJamestown, Parish of Bonhill
Father's nameDuncan Livingstone
Father's occupationMechanic
Mother's nameMargaret McGregor
Spouse's nameMargaret Miller
Spouse's occupationGrounder
Spouse's age21 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residenceAlexandria, Parish of Bonhill
Spouse's fatherJohn Miller Colourmaker
Spouse's father's occupationColourmaker
Spouse's motherMargaret Malcolm
Marriage churchChurch of Scotland
Marriage witnessesJohn Miller, Malcolm McGregor