Marriage for Daniel Grant

CollectionCivil Registers of Ayr
Record typeMarriage
NameDaniel Grant
Marriage18 Dec 1896
Place58 Green Street, Newton, Ayr
Age25 Years
ResidenceCraigbar Cottage, Newton, Ayr
OccupationRailway Shunter
Father's nameThomas Grant
Father's occupationRailway Guard
Mother's nameMaggie McFarlane
Spouse's nameMary Milligan
Spouse's occupationDressmaker
Spouse's age27 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residence58 Green Street, Newton, Ayr
Spouse's fatherJohn Milligan Master of Tug
Spouse's father's occupationMaster of Tug
Spouse's motherJanet Stirrat
Marriage churchThe Free Church of Scotland
Marriage witnessesGeorge Milligan, Janet Milligan