Marriage for John MacMillan

CollectionCivil Registers of Killean and Kilchenzie
Record typeMarriage
NameJohn MacMillan
Marriage6 Jun 1919
PlaceRhunahaorine, Killean and Kilchenzie, Argyll
Age40 Years
ResidenceTayinloan, Killean
Father's nameJohn McMillan (Deceased)
Father's occupationEstate Carter
Mother's nameCatherine McKinven (Deceased)
Spouse's nameSarah Huie
Spouse's occupationDomestic Cook
Spouse's age37 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residenceRhunahaorine Killean
Spouse's fatherAndrew Huie Gamekeeper
Spouse's father's occupationGamekeeper
Spouse's motherCatherine McCallum (Deceased)
Marriage churchFree Church of Scotland
Marriage witnessesSamuel McKinven, Jeanie Huie