Death for Catherine Martin

CollectionCivil Registers of Campbeltown
Record typeDeath
NameCatherine Martin
Death20 Nov 1938
PlaceCottage Hospital, Campbeltown, Argyll
Age65 Years
NoteUsual residence: 32 Dalaruan Terrace, Campbeltown
Father's nameMorris McSporran (Deceased)
Father's occupationDistillery Mashman
Mother's nameJane McIntyre (Deceased)
Spouse's nameArchibald Martin
Spouse's occupationFisherman
Spouse's genderM
Death causeCarcinoma of the liver.
Death informantJames Scally (Nephew), Craigie Place, Campbeltown
Death registrationNovember 31, 1938 at Campbeltown.
NoteUsual residence: 32 Dalaruan Terrace, Campbeltown