Death for Catherine McConachy

CollectionCivil Registers of Campbeltown
Record typeDeath
NameCatherine McConachy
Death4 Jan 1858
PlaceKirk Street, Campbeltown, Argyll
Age77 Years
InterredKilkerran cemetery
NoteHusband's given name not in death record but she is with him in the 1841 Census of Campbeltown. He is not in the 1851 census.
Father's nameDaniel McVicar (deceased)
Father's occupationBlacksmith
Mother's nameEuphemia McIntyre (deceased)
Spouse's nameDuncan McConachy
Spouse's occupationTailor
Spouse's genderM
Death causeAngina, 4 years
Death informantMary McVicar, her x mark, sister
NoteHusband's given name not in death record but she is with him in the 1841 Census of Campbeltown. He is not in the 1851 census.