Marriage for Donald Keith

CollectionCivil Registers of Killean and Kilchenzie
Record typeMarriage
NameDonald Keith
Marriage14 Aug 1895
PlaceTaynamoile, Parish of Killean and Kilchenzie, Argyll
Age38 Years
ResidenceTangytavil Farm, Parish of Killean and Kilchenzie
Father's nameAngus Keith
Father's occupationFarmer
Mother's nameMary McPhail (deceased)
Spouse's nameChristina Smith
Spouse's occupationFarm Servant
Spouse's age20 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's fatherColin Smith Ploughman
Spouse's father's occupationPloughman
Spouse's motherChristina Bell
Marriage churchEstablished Church of Scotland
Marriage witnessesAlexander Keith, Agnes Smith