Death for Jessie Wallace MacMaster

CollectionCivil Registers of Greenock
Record typeDeath
NameJessie Wallace MacMaster
Death8 Feb 1954
PlaceRankin Memorial Hospital, Greenock, Renfrew
Age47 Years
NoteRecord states Jessie Wallace MacMaster married to 1st Divorced, 2nd, John Thompson MacMaster. Usual Residence 29 Regent Street, Greenock.
Father's nameThomas Mitchell (Deceased)
Father's occupationBoilermaker
Mother's nameViolet Boyd Shearer Cameron (Deceased)
Spouse's nameJohn Thompson MacMaster
Spouse's occupationShoemaker
Spouse's genderM
Death causeThrombophlebitis, Pulmonary Embolism
Death informantJohn MacMaster, widower
NoteRecord states Jessie Wallace MacMaster married to 1st Divorced, 2nd, John Thompson MacMaster. Usual Residence 29 Regent Street, Greenock.