Death for Charles Kelly

CollectionCivil Registers of Campbeltown
Record typeDeath
NameCharles Kelly
Death29 Sep 1901
PlaceShore Street, Campbeltown, Argyll
Age61 Years
OccupationFarm Servant
NoteRecord states: Cause of Death, Concussion of the brain, caused by falling down a stair 12 hours before death (Accidental).
Father's nameMalcom Kelly
Father's occupationCrofter
Mother's nameMarion Kelly
Spouse's nameMary McConachy
Spouse's genderF
Death causeConcussion of the Brain
Death informantDan Mactaggart, Procurator-Fiscal
NoteRecord states: Cause of Death, Concussion of the brain, caused by falling down a stair 12 hours before death (Accidental).