Death for George Bogle Ferguson

CollectionCivil Registers of Avondale
Record typeDeath
NameGeorge Bogle Ferguson
Death19 Mar 1864
Age3 Months
NoteIllegible record Birth of George Bogle Ferguson 14 DEC 1863 Avondale, Lanark, Scotland IgI Rec.Parents: George Bogle Ferguson Jane Riddell
Father's nameGeorge Bogle Ferguson
Father's occupationGame Merchant
Mother's nameJean Riddell
Spouse's nameInfant death
Death causeBowel Hives 1 week
Death informantJean Ferguson (Mother)
Death registrationMar 24, 1864 at Strathaven
NoteIllegible record Birth of George Bogle Ferguson 14 DEC 1863 Avondale, Lanark, Scotland IgI Rec.Parents: George Bogle Ferguson Jane Riddell