Marriage for John Lindsay

CollectionCivil Registers of Blythswood, Glasgow
Record typeMarriage
NameJohn Lindsay
Marriage12 Feb 1917
Place35 Hutcheson Street, Glasgow
Age25 Years
Residence682 West Academy St., Wishaw
OccupationLocomotive Fireman
NoteRecord hard to read. Mother's maiden name illegible Occupation of groom hard to read
Father's nameRobert Lindsay (Deceased)
Father's occupationRailway Plate Layer
Mother's nameSarah Davison
Spouse's nameElizabeth Smith
Spouse's occupationDomestic Servant
Spouse's age27 Years
Spouse's genderF
Spouse's statusSpinster
Spouse's residence2 1/2 Moss Road, Cambusnethan
Spouse's fatherEdward Hunter Smith (Deceased) Coal Miner
Spouse's father's occupationCoal Miner
Spouse's motherAnnie Brown
Marriage witnessesGeorge McCochan (Locomotive Brakesman), Sarah Rowley (Machinist)
NoteRecord hard to read. Mother's maiden name illegible Occupation of groom hard to read