5321-5330 of 6943 results
Event | Name | Date | Place | Age | Gender | Father and occupation | Mother and occupation | Spouse and occupation | Death informant | Parents marriage |
Death | Flora Mathieson | 22 Feb 1876 | Poorhouse, Campbeltown, Argyll | 6 Years, 4 months | F |
Dugald Mathieson (deceased) Fisherman |
Helen McLellan (previously Mathieson) McDougall |
Single |
Helen McLellan, Mother | |
Birth | Donald Kelly | 21 Feb 1876 | Auchaleek, Campbeltown, Argyll | M |
Donald Kelly Blacksmith (Master) |
Elizabeth McMurchy |
28 Dec 1870 Campbeltown, Argyll |
Birth | John Richard Cunningham | 19 Feb 1876 | Back Street, Campbeltown, Argyll | M |
John Cunningham Physician |
Isabella Patrick |
14 Mar 1872 Govan Parish |
Birth | Elizabeth Scally | 18 Feb 1876 | Princes Street, Campbeltown, Argyll | F |
Neill Scally Mason (Journeyman) |
Flora McKinven |
7 Nov 1873 Campbeltown, Argyll |
Death | Margaret MacLean | 9 Feb 1876 | Kirk Street, Campbeltown, Argyll | 87 Years | F |
Allan McIntyre (Deceased) Fox Hunter |
Mary McIntyre |
Malcolm MacLean |
John McLean, son | |
Death | Duncan Brown | 9 Feb 1876 | Shore Street, Campbeltown, Argyll | 5 Years 8 months | M |
Samuel Brown Fisherman |
Elizabeth Lamont |
Child Death |
Samuel Brown, his x mark, father | |
Birth | Archibald McMillan | 9 Feb 1876 | Witchburn, Campbeltown, Argyll | M | Not Given |
Barbara McMillan Farm Servant |
Birth | William Adamson | 7 Feb 1876 | Drumlemble, Campbeltown, Argyll | M |
William Adamson Coalminer |
Isabella McCallum Domestic Servant |
Birth | Isabella Gibson McLean | 7 Feb 1876 | Lorne St. Campbeltown, Argyll | F |
Neil McLean Fisherman |
Sarah Smith |
1 Dec 1874 Campbeltown, Argyll |
Birth | Elizabeth Morrison McLean | 7 Feb 1876 | Lorne Street, Campbeltown, Argyll | F |
Neil McLean Fisherman |
Sarah Smith |
1 Dec 1874 Campbeltown, Argyll |