
19801-19810 of 20740 results

Event Name Date Relation Relation residence Interred
Death David Thomson 11 Feb 1851
Todshill in 3
Death Janet Hamilton 8 Feb 1851 son of from Brownside below the stone
Death James 16 Jan 1851 son of William Orr
in 2
Death John 6 Jan 1851 son of James Hamilton
Junier weaver
Death Alexander Struthers 4 Jan 1851 weaver Northtownend stone
Death James Wiseman 25 Dec 1850
senior weaver
Kirk St in breadth of Jo
Death Helen Semple 24 Dec 1850 Hole Close at the stone
Death Unknown 6 Dec 1850 a child of Janet Jackson
Todshill in 3
Death Mary 2 Dec 1850 dau of Robert Cumming
in Crofthead in 4
Death John 29 Nov 1850 son of William Giffen
junior weaver
Todshill in northmost bre